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Natural Way To Keep Bugs Away When Camping

Get Comfortable With Screen Time

How to Keep Bugs Away While Camping | Ep. 2 (Summer Series)

Ensure that screens on your RV windows and doors are free from holes that allow insects inside. If repairs are necessary, choose screens with mesh thats fine enough to keep bugs from getting through.

If your RV didnt come with a screen for your door, consider purchasing an easy-to-install, aftermarket magnetic screen door. This will help keep a cool breeze flowing through your RV while acting as a barrier for bugs. Additionally, a canopy with screen panels allows you to eat and relax outdoors even in the most buggy times. It also has the added benefit of protecting you from sun and rain.

Make Sure To Wash Your Utensils Before And After Use

Leaving your utensils unwashed before cooking or after cooking can potentially lead to problems with bugs or insects in the future.

While you are camping it can often be easy for various contaminants from the outside to get on your utensils to affect the flavor of the food.

Preventing sickness and stomach bugs is important as well. If you have had bugs around its very important that you wash out your utensils before you cook a new meal and then thoroughly wash them after you have eaten as well.

Having the right water container is a must.

Wear An Impregnated Wristband

If you dont fancy slathering yourself in insect repellent of any kind, there are wristbands and even clothes you can buy which are impregnated with insect repellent. Their effectiveness is likely to have a limited lifespan. For a camping trip they will probably see you through but in terms of sustainability, you might want to check how long theyre likely to be effective for.

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Advanced Tactics To Keep Bugs Away

There are different ways to keep camping enjoyable without worrying about bugs every single minute.

Weve mentioned that one way to keep pests out is by applying bug repellent alongside choosing a smart campsite location.

But is there a natural method to keep them away by simply taking informed action?

Lets look at ways that keep bugs away and factors that attract bugs.

Get Rid Of Spiders With Natural Oils

Natural way to keep bugs away from camp

Does it creep you out to find spiders crawling around your house? I personally get the heeby-jeebies, and my kids REALLY freak out. In the past, Ive killed them and gone about my merry way. Now, I prefer to let them live just not inside my house!

Keep spiders away from your house with peppermint essential oil. Reapply the spray once a week and say bye to our 8-legged friends! It sounds crazy, but it works. One perk to this spider spray is that it smells amazing. It can double as a natural house spray and a spider repellant. You therefore never have to buy air freshener again.

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Using An Alternative Light Source

One issue that many campers have is that artificial light sources tendto attract bugs, and when you are trying to keep bugs away, you might feel at aloss as to what you can do. Thankfully, there are still a handful of thingsthat you can do to make sure that you are going to have enough light to do whatyou need to do.

First, you will need to make sure that you remove all the light sources that are attracting bugs to your campground. Any lanterns, lamps, and other lights that you have will need to be turned off.

Even if they are sitting outside of your tent, making your campsite easy to find, you are going to have to find something else to make sure that your camping experience remains pest-free.

Instead of using flashlights to find your way around the outside ofyour tent, you should make sure that you only bother using the light when youare inside of your tent and you know that the doors are zipped up.

Keep in mind that as long as the doors are zipped shut, there wont beany way that the bugs will be able to get into the tent. Instead, they mightdecide to hover around outside of the tent, which may not be particularlypleasant.

Another alternative light source that you can use would be to simply use a lit torch to see your surroundings. For some people, a campfire might be a better alternative.

The smoke from the fire will also be an excellent deterrent when it comes to keeping bugs away from your campgrounds.

Bug Spray Around Perimeter Of Rv

Exterior insect killer sprayed around the perimeter of your RV is a great line of defense. Diatomaceous earth is another great insect repellant, and is actually a natural, non-toxic bug repellent alternative if pets or kids will be around the RV! Remember to reapply these products after it rains, as they’ll get washed away.

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A Tent That Zips Closed

Theres nothing more infuriating than hearing the faint buzz of a fly or mosquito and not being able to find it. You dont want that to happen to you at night in your tent, where the dark prevents you from launching a counter-attack. Its best to create a bug-free environment within your sleeping quarters by zipping up the door. Although this may be harder for younger campers to remember, be sure to close that tent flap or shut the cabin door every time you enter and exit your abode.

Clean Your Campsite Regularly

Natural Bug Repellent 1080p

All insects, bugs, etc., indeed come to the place where there is dirt, etc. It is prevalent for us to leave our food and drink etc, at the campsite. The first natural way you can get rid of insects is to keep your tent clean. Bugs can also be found in areas where there is an odor. So, always try to clean the tent well and dispose of all odors away from the camp. If you dont clean the dirt, etc, when the bugs come to you after sitting on the dirt, they can cause many diseases. Therefore, the first natural way to keep the bugs away from the tent is to clean it regularly using different cleaning ingredients.

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Avoid Camping In Buggy Locales

Although its unlikely that youll be able to completely avoid bugs while camping, there are some places that are less buggy than others. So, choosing these sites for your next camping trip is ideal.

For example, places like Yellowstone National Park and Great Smoky Mountains National Park, while beautiful, tend to be very buggy during the summer. Meanwhile, desert environments, like Joshua Tree and Death Valley National Parks tend to be less prone to mosquitos .

Additionally, camping in the shoulder seasons, particularly in the fall, is a wise choice if you want to avoid bugs. Or, if youre looking to skip the bugs altogether, a winter camping trip to somewhere like Glacier National Park might be ideal.

Read More :11 Tips and Tricks to Pick the Perfect Campsite

Eat Garlic And Onions

Bugs are a lot like Dracula. Neither of them likes garlic. So one thing you can do is to eat a lot of it. You can also take a garlic supplement. Bugs are repelled by both the smell and taste of garlic.

It works by masking your natural body odor and sweat, both of which attract bugs.

You can either eat the garlic or hang a string of it at your campsite. All of these methods will repel bugs.

I mentioned rubbing onion on your skin earlier. However, thats not the only way you can use onions to keep the bugs away. You can also eat it or place it in a bowl of water.

While its true that garlic and onion will repel bugs, they could also repel people. So youll have to weigh that if you choose this method.

If youre turned off by the strong smells of onion and garlic, another thing you can do is to take vitamin B supplements. Zinc works the same way. You should start taking vitamin B or zinc weeks before your camping trip to make it the most effective.

These 2 supplements work well for some people and not so well for others. Apparently, body chemistry has a lot to do with it.

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Insects You May Encounter While Camping

Planning a vacation thats spent outdoors marveling at the wonders of Planet Earth? Then youve probably packed the ingredients for s’mores, made sure there are extra batteries and double-checked that the tents are watertight, but are you ready for the bugs youll encounter?Naturally, sleeping under the stars likely means youll have a few more bedmates than youre accustomed to, and some of them will be less welcome than others. Here are 6 insects that can spoil a good camping trip, as well as tips for helping beat the bugs.

How To Keep Bugs Away At The Campground

Natural Ways to Keep Bugs Away While Camping â Travel Channel

Bugs are an inevitable part of camping, but you can temper their annoyance and prevent bites with these products and methods.

Theres no way around it: Youll encounter plenty of bugs during your camping adventures. At best, theyre a slight annoyance. At their worst, they can spread dangerous diseases like Lyme. But there are ways to mitigate insects, along with any risks they bring, from your outdoor experience. Here are tried-and-tested tips on how to get rid of bugs while camping.

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Pack A Lot Of Pest Control Sprays

An insect repellent is an absolutely essential thing to pack while camping, and all the other precautions you can take while camping tend to be more effective when combined with the use of such sprays. These sprays can be used not only on your surroundings but on your own body too. Several campers spray their tents, as well as their clothes with insect repellents while camping. But the downside that comes out of this is that they will be at the risk of exposing their skin to chemicals in the pesticides. The best thing to do for your own safety is to buy organic pest sprays which will not be harmful to your body.

Watch Out When You Dress

Your camping attire not just includes clothes that keep you warm but also the clothes that will help you with survival andpest attack prevention. Try wearing something that keeps you warm and cozy and controlsthe bugs and insects from giving you a bite. The mosquitoes out in the camping spot can bite you through your clothes. Try getting some natural pest control stickers and stick them on your clothes to avoid them.

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Stuff Pieces Of Cloth In Zipper Gaps

Unfortunately, some tents arent the best at being perfectly sealed off from bugs.

The most common entry point is the place where the three zippers meet. Sometimes, these zippers create a tiny gap where a determined bug could slip inside.

To remedy this, try stuffing a wad of toilet paper into the zipper gap.

Use Unscented Skin And Hair Products

How to Keep Bugs Out of Your Tent | Ep. 5 (Summer Series)

Like the chemicals our bodies excrete, scents from the hygiene products we use can also attract insects.

To stay clean but keep our scents minimal, use unscented products instead. Alternatively, you can use products with natural ingredients that repel insects – lemongrass, lavender, mint, eucalyptus infused deodorant, for example.

Avoid using floral scents, as these draw mosquitos. On the other hand, they avoid sharp smells.

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Traditional Bug Sprays Or Creams

One of the most useful techniques used to keep bugs off is conventional bug sprays or creams. The most common ingredient in these is called DEET. In fact, the more DEET an insect repellent has, the more effective it is. Some campers dont like DEET-based sprays or creams for an assortment of reasons, such as the smell, potential for skin or eye irritation and a number of other reasons.

Despite these objections, these repellents work. So, even if you use it as a last line of defense, its a good idea to keep some traditional bug spray handy just in case the mosquitoes get out of hand.

Make sure that your bug-spray or cream is waterproof, too. Also, its best to spray repellent on your clothes and avoid direct skin contact if possible. Apply it to your clothes, shoes and hat in the morning before you get dressed, and be sure to avoid breathing any in.

Homemade Essential Oil Repellent

With the rise in popularity of essential oils, these concentrated herb or plant extracts are easier than ever to come by. In fact, you may already have some around the house. There are many different essential oils with bug-repelling properties that offer a natural alternative to the heavy chemicals in traditional bug sprays. Although you can apply essential oil-based concoctions directly to the skin, its better to spray it on your clothes, especially if you have sensitive skin.

When making your essential oil bug spray, use 10 to 20 drops of any of the following:

  • Thyme
  • Citronella
  • Clove

Mix these in a spray bottle along with a tablespoon of rubbing alcohol, half a cup of natural witch hazel and half a cup of water. Give your bottle a good shake before spraying, as the oil and water mixture will always tend to separate. This concoction offers a natural way to keep those critters away while youre camping. Depending on which oils you use, you may enjoy the scent, too.

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What To Wear To Prevent Them From Biting Me

I would say you should wear long-sleeve shirts and pants but how comfortable this can be on a hot summer day?

If you are having trouble controlling them, you might want to get yourself a wearable mosquito net. They do offer head-to-toe protection against bites, and they are not that expensive.

I recommend this if you are camping in an area where you know that mosquito bites can transmit malaria or other diseases. You dont want to rely solely on natural repellents because just one bite can get you into serious trouble.

Wearing bug repellent bracelets that contain some citronella oil can help. I never tested them, but I know people started using them more and more.

Different Insects Youll Find While Camping

How to Keep Bugs Away While Camping (15 Effective Ways)

All pesky insects can make your camping trip miserable. Fortunately, were able to sort out the list of insects that you frequently encounter while camping. From your common mosquitoes to bees, knowing these insects can be a game changer when youre camping.

Here are six insects that you commonly find on camping trips.

  • TicksTicks are the most unusual creature on planet Earth. They grow in the woods. Particular species of ticks can cause serious infections, like Lyme disease.Be aware of the symptoms of tick-borne and mosquito diseases.
  • MosquitoesMost of all are known for their tiny nuisances. They also go camping, and leave you with itching bites that make you scratch yourself day and night. Especially when youre about to sleep, their high-pitch buzzing can drive you crazy.
  • AntsFire ants could be your greatest trouble when youre conveying with nature. Although youre not in an area where fire ants live, other types of ants can also make your trip troublesome.
  • Bees, wasps, and alike insectsThey usually leave you if you dont taunt them. But even so, some of their species are intrusive, and theres a chance that youll mistakenly disturb their nest while trekking into the woods.
  • No-see-umsBiting midges, sand flies, biting Gnats, or no-see-ums, regardless of what you call them, can ruin your enjoyment while camping. These minute flies can make you weep once they bite you. They also get out during gloom or when the wind dawdles.
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    Other Bugs To Watch Out For While Camping

    Unfortunately, mosquitoes arent the only bugs you have to watch out for while camping. Warm weather brings an explosion in all things creepy-crawly, which can ruin your trip if you go in unprepared. The most commonly encountered bugs when hiking and camping are as follows:

    • Ticks
    • Wasps, bees, and hornets

    The Best Ways To Repel Mosquitos While Camping

    1. Locate a Dry Campsite

    Starting from the beginning, once you unload from your car or set down your pack for the evening, you need to choose a proper campsite.

    When choosing one that mosquitoes wont flock to, try to find one that is away from any stagnant water. These pools and puddles that dont have any water flowing in and out of them are prime locations for female mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

    Finding a space by a river that flows quickly or a lake that has current flowing in and out shouldnt be an issue. If current rainfall or snowmelt has created damp swamps or puddles, find another area to camp in to avoid mosquitoes.

    If you have already rented a space in a campground, then you wont get too much choice. You will probably have a marked out pad where the proprietors want you to stake your tent, and you have to hope that they have laid out the grounds well.

    2. Keep the Site Clean and Closed

    Now that you have your campsite set up and ready to go, there are a set of best practices to follow on-site.

    Once you set your tent up, keep all of the zippers fully closed on the doors and windows. When you enter and exit the tent, quickly zip the zippers back so that nothing can easily come in before and after you. Doing all of this might seem quite inconvenient if you want to move things into the tent. However, at night, when you are lying there trying to fall asleep, it will be worth it if there arent bugs buzzing around your face.

    3. Use Bug Spray

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